How to market with Twitter using Hashtags
How to market with Twitter using Hashtags. We wanted to tackle two different subjects today. First there is how to market with Twitter. Second is how to use hashtags in social media in marketing.
The truth is we want to focus on how to use hashtags in Twitter. But, we will spend a little time talking about general Twitter marketing as well as how to use hashtags in Twitter social media marketing.
Twitter has over 310 million in active users that are just waiting on your tweets. If you know how to do it.
Twitter is a great platform to market your website, business or program. They have changed the rules some over the years. On the one hand they increased the number of characters you can have but they have made it harder to follow a lot of people if you are trying to increase your Twitter following by the follow back method.
The follow back method used to be a very popular way to grow your Twitter followers. Basically, if someone followed you, then you followed them back. The biggest problem with growing your followers this way is you get a lot of low quality followers. Twitter followers who do not care about your product, business or website and it does you little good to tweet to them.
The only real way to grow your Twitter following using Twitter to do it is to consistently engage your followers and potential new followers with quality and interesting posts. The posts should be consistent with the message you are wanting to give so as to not confuse your potential followers.
Develop an awesome Twitter profile. People will read your profile and decide if they want to follow you. Make sure your profile matches what your tweeting about. Again, do not confuse your potential followers by tweeting about one thing and then having a profile that talks about something else.
Get a great background image, display picture and an awesome short profile description.
We spoke about great posts above but wanted to touch on it again. Share great content to increase your following. Keep in mind that people typically want to read shorter tweets, but not too short. Ideally, you should try and get about 75 words of relevant content in your tweets.
Give your audience value. Make sure there is some benefit to your audience in your tweet. Are you entertaining them or solving a problem they might have? Does your tweet have a ‘call to action’ that asked them to do something? Don’t do this with every tweet but you need to do it from time to time.
Be sure that your tweets are mobile ready. More and more people are using their smart phones to access and use Twitter, do not exclude them by making really long posts linked to websites that are not mobile friendly.
You can also get good benefits from sharing other people’s tweets. You might bring more followers if you share quality tweets from other people. You might also find that the people whose tweets you are sharing will also follow you.
You can also use Twitter ads, but that is a subject for another time.
Now on to how to use hashtags in Twitter. You can use hashtags in Twitter as a branding tool to help people find your tweets The other way hashtags can be used in Twitter is to find people talking about similar subjects. This is a great way to find people that are interested in what your business or website does.
If you are serious about using hashtags as a marketing tool you can visit a site like They offer a number of plans that will help you track hashtags and compare them using a number of different analytics. This is a great long term plan, but I use another way for free.
I am typically trying to reach different groups of people when I am using hashtags in marketing. You can use their website to see what hashtags are trending and popular.
Once I determine what hashtags are popular then I can design tweets that target those hashtags and groups of people.
For instance, I just typed in ‘money; and see that over the past 24 hours this hashtag has been used a minimum of 180 times and a maximum of 680 times each hour. This tells me that if I target this hashtag that a fairly large number of people may see my tweets.
If I type in ‘football’ then I see that a minimum of 275 tweets and a maximum of 750 tweets have targeted this hashtag over the past 24 hours.
Just for fun, I typed in ‘twitter’ and see that it was used a minimum of 500 times and a maximum of 850 times.
Now, you are probably saying looking at my three examples above that you should just use ‘twitter’ as your hashtag. First of all, I think that is actually used to much and there may be so many tweets out there using the hashtag ‘twitter’ that no one will take the time to look at my post. I would prefer ‘money’ of the three above.
Second, you have to ask which hashtag has something to do with your Twitter account. If your account is about selling football memorabilia then using ‘twitter’ or ‘money’ will probably not make much sense. I would use ‘football’ of the three above. It has something to do with my account (football memorabilia). It might be a little over used for my purposes so perhaps I would keep searching for another good hashtag.
Just for fun I entered ‘dallascowboys’ on and it came back with a minimum hourly usage of 0 and a maximum usage of 175. The graph does not look great, a lot of lower search volume so I would probably keep looking if I wanted to market with hashtags about football memorabilia.
The bottom line is there are a lot of ways to build and market your website. Way too many to put into one article about internet marketing. We just wanted to give you a brief overview on how to use hashtags in twitter.
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