Mobe Scam Review


Is a Scam?

Name: My Online Business Education (MOBE)


Basic package is $49.00 plus $19.95 per month. In addition to continue in the program you would purchase other education units.

It is difficult to tell exactly how much the entire program will cost but based on web searches I think I can say it is in excess of $20,000.00.

Let’s start with what appears to be good about the program.

  1. There is a lot of training available.
  2. Because of the up sells there is potential for good commissions.

Things that concern me about

  1. Lots of up sells. I hate buying something only to find you have to buy something else. It is always that NEXT thing that makes you a millionaire.
  2. Their website reminds me of a large corporation. Does not seem very user friendly. Many of the reviews online report poor customer support.
  3. Lots of things you have to buy.
  4. Products are very expensive.
  5. There are a number of complaints online about difficulty getting refunds.

In addition, I have experienced some very aggressive affiliate sites for Mobe. One in particular has some negative reviews of their own. There also seems to be a lot of name changing going on with both Mobe and the affiliate I am referencing.

Most complaints seem to be either refund related or related to affiliates of leading people to believe that they are purchasing the program for just $49.00. The $49.00 just allows you to enter the program so you can pay the $19.95 per month to be an affiliate or consultant as Mobe refers to them.

I am sure there is value in their products but I do not like their vague and sometimes questionable advertising. I also believe there are MUCH cheaper ways to find the information they are selling. Even if you want everything pre-packaged for you I believe there are better options out there.

The problem is, even if their program did everything they say it did you would have to make a small fortune just to break even.

Reference: scam alert, matt lloyd scam, mobe scam, mobe review