Does Kickstagram work?
We went a couple of ways as we attempted to answer the question does Kickstagram work or perhaps we answered the question how does
kickstagram work? Either way, we think you will like what we have to say about Kickstagram in our Kickstagram Review.
Let’s start with the basics, what is Kickstagram?
Kickstagram is a program designed to help you increase your Instagram followers. They want to help you reach out to an additional 60,000 Instagram users each month. Now, they say that they are not just going to randomly spam Instagram to achieve these numbers, which would be next to useless to you if you are trying to build your Instagram brand.
According to Kickstagram they are going to target specific users using keywords, people and hashtags to ensure that your message is being seen by the ‘right’ people. The key here is the ‘right’ people. If you just spam a bunch of users to achieve followers like some people did when they were building their Twitter accounts back in the day you are not really accomplishing anything except making yourself feel better that a lot of people are following you.
We are very familiar with two of Kickstagram’s methods of using keywords and hashtags to find the right audience. In fact, we have written extensively about the importance of keywords and have begun to write about hashtags as we continue our own Internet Marketing articles. We are glad to see that Kickstagram is focusing on those two methods of building your Instagram account the right way.
We are going to take a lot of this first section from the Kickstagram site because we want them to explain their process and how their product is supposed to work.
Kickstagram states that their process consists of three processes. Those processes are Identifying Target Accounts, Increasing Relevant Followers and Converting Followers into Sales. All of those are important but we are most interested in how Kickstagram converts followers into sales.
They start by identifying target accounts in order to find those most likely to covert to your message. This is done by analyzing your business and then looking at profiles of other users and influencers that are most similar to your account. After that, they develop a relevant targeting plan.
Their next step is to as they say, “increase relevant followers”. We touched on this above, you MUST increase your relevant followers not just your gross follower account numbers. Only relevant followers really count. Kickstagram says they do this by a number of different methods including hashtags, other accounts users are following and even location if that is relevant to your business.
Kickstagram claims that as your engagement with relevant accounts goes up that your sales will ultimately go up as new likes, followers, comments, messages and website traffic increase. This is true, we cannot really argue that, but it all comes back to building a relevant follower base.
Basically their process can be broken down into the following steps: research, targeting, outreach and engagement. The process is sound, but how does Kickstagram build followers in real life?
First we decided to look at their case studies they listed themselves. I mean if you cannot give yourself a good reference how can you expect others to, right?
Let’s start with Rolo a travel accessory company. Kickstagram started with the use of targeted hashtags relevant to travel in order to build Rolo’s Instagram account. According to Rolo, Kickstagram had doubled their followers in less than two weeks and grew the total Instagram account size from 54 to over 10,000 in less than a year. That sounds great, but Rolo did not say anything about a sales increase which is a concern. Again, relevant (and real) followers are what matters, not just raw numbers.
Next up is Otis & Eleanor which produces a Bluetooth all natural bamboo speaker. Again Kickstagram used a hashtags related to their product to grow their account. According to Otis & Eleanor, they met their goals with Kickstagram. Unfortunately they did not quantify those in any way. Oh well…
Next they list Original Grain, a watch seller. Again, Kickstagram used targeted hashtags. Original Grain said that Kickstagram was the most highly targeted marketing service they have used. Not sure how relevant that is because we don’t know what other services they have used, if any. Original Grain did say that the Kickstagram system gave them quality brand building and sales. Sounds great, just wish they had quantified that.
Finally, there is Akin which produces school uniforms in the developing world. This time Kickstagram used hashtags and social movement influencer accounts to increase Akin’s engagement. Akin’s review said they were happy with Kickstagram and that the Kickstagram program allowed them to increase their brand awareness. Still nothing quantified. Disappointing.
Well, as expected all the case studies they list on the Kickstagram site are positive reviews but they really do not quantify anything as far as sales increases or conversions go. Only Rolo even gives us a number of followers that were achieved but that gives us no idea on the quality of the followers.
We understand the premise on how Kickstagram says they will grow your Instagram account. Now let’s see if we can find some numbers for you from users that have actually used the service. We are still evaluating Kickstagram ourselves and did not intend this to be a Kickstagram review really. We were just focusing on how Kickstagram works.
Now, we are not ready to give a rating ourselves since we are still looking at this service to determine if they can produce the relevant followers they claim. However, we reached out to some other sites and basically reviewed the reviews. I know, not the best method but you can get a good feel for if something works or not.
Kickstagram makes some pretty big claims but we have found it difficult to find the sales increase numbers that would let us know they are actually generating relevant followers that convert to sales. In truth this is very difficult for anyone to do. We know, we try it on our accounts.
There was also not a lot of feedback out there when we searched to see what others were saying. This could be because not a lot of people are using Kickstagram yet or they just want to keep a successful product a secret. You laugh but it happens.
The feedback we did come across was neutral for the most part. Not one was really talking about numbers, just saying things like “good site, helpful people”, “They are okay!” or “It’s another bot service! However sometimes I’m liking too fast all at once:/”.
Really, with what we can find we cannot make a determination on how well Kickstagram provides you with followers that convert. We cannot say they do not, just cannot confirm they do. We are going to find out, but that will take a little longer. Watch for our next article about Kickstagram. Hey, maybe they will offer us a FREE month to test them out. Hint…hint…hint.
Let’s talk a little bit about pricing for Kickstagram’s services.
Their most popular deal is called the Startup and it is billed at $149.00 per month. It is billed on a monthly basis.
Next is the Professional which costs $124.00 per month and is billed under a 6 month contract.
Finally there is the Premium which costs $99.00 per month and is billed under a 12 month contract.
There appears only to be a difference in the monthly price for each of the levels.
There are some cheaper product out there so why would you want to pay for Kickstagram? Well according to a posts by Ronan Galvan @ronan_galvin it is because Kickstagram are Instagram experts. They avoid accounts that are not likely to engage with your and use a number of proprietary filters to make sure they are targeting the most active and relevant users. They avoid business and spam accounts by a number of different means to ensure you get the best followers. Ronan states that they are about real and organic followers, not just the numbers.
That is good to hear, but I really wish someone would post some actual sales increase numbers or conversions that can be directly attributed to a Kickstagram directed Instagram account.
Guess, we will just have to find out for ourselves.
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