Best ways to make money online

This is common question I get about a good way to make money online.

There are lots of options from fast to long term passive income. I have written about the fast ways to make money online recently. So I will not go into that too much. Basically the two most current ways I have found are online surveys and websites like SwagBucks. You can click on the links I provided to check those out if you want rather than me going into a lot of detail on those again.

I want to focus on longer term money making whether you are selling your own products, someone else’s or just want to sell advertising space on your blog.

I will start with blogging. Blogging for money is a very popular method of making long term money online. It takes some time to build your blog and gain a visitor following. In order to do this you must continually update your blog with relevant, quality content based on your focus area.

Your focus area can be anything but I suggest you pick something you have an interest in, otherwise your blog is going to seem a lot like work. If you write on something you know then you will be more enjoyment in building your business.

Once you pick your blog idea, do not forget to focus on relevant, good keywords to help drive visitors your site through web searches. You will need help finding the best keywords. I suggest using a program like Jaaxy. They can help you identify the best keywords that will get you traffic.

Remember, if you are just blogging you will either have to sell advertising space on your blog or promote a product through an affiliate program.

Another way to make money online is by selling products on a website. These can be either your own products or products from Amazon or Ebay or other sites like this that will pay you to sell their products.

You will still need to drive visitors to your site by creating good content that can get you ranked on the search engines. Again, as above you will need good keywords. Don’t forget about Jaaxy as I mentioned before for find the right words that will help you get traffic.

There is a lot more to learning to drive traffic to your site. Please check out the rest of my website for ideas and suggestions. We can even help you quickly build a website with little or no initial effort. You will still have to do the work or filling in the content.

Do not take shortcuts on content. It must be original. Do not copy from other websites or word for word repeat what is on your site over and over. Search engines do not like that.

2 comments on Best ways to make money online

    1. Thanks, please keep reading our articles. We try to do at least a couple of new ones a week. Sometimes more. We really feel there is a lot of useful information on our site. Good luck.

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