Trade4Profits – Shortcuts to Profitable Trading Review

Trade4Profits – Shortcuts to Profitable Trading

We have done a review on the website Trade4Profits and whether or not we thought it was a scam, you can check out that by CLICKING HERE.

We decided that as a continuation of that review we would review the books that Trade4Profits currently has published.

We will start with the title – Shortcuts to Profitable Trading. Well, we don’t believe there are really any shortcuts. Yes, we suppose that you could be given some particular strategies to focus on so you don’t have to make ALL the mistakes when it comes to trading. And…there are LOTS of potential mistakes.

So perhaps, this book does help with that.

Trade4Profits – Shortcuts to Profitable Trading is not a huge book. The paperback version is about 140 pages. However, we acknowledge that a book does not have to be HUGE in order to provide you valuable information.

In fact, we prefer a shorter read (especially when we are doing a review) as long as there is value in the content and we get our money’s worth.

Here is the information the author provides on his book:

“Trade4Profits – Shortcuts to Profitable Trading helps new and experienced traders learn techniques for profitable trading. Based on the author’s over 20 years of trading equities, options, forex and commodities. Use options to generate substantial returns especially in bull and range bound markets. Learn basic strategies to find the best securities to invest in any market conditions. Learn to leverage your account to bring in yields you desire while maintaining risk. You do not have to be 100% correct to be successful using these strategies.”

Ok, just as a brief comment on what the author says about his book, yes the book does provide this information and it is very interesting.

Trade4Profits – Shortcuts to Profitable Trading starts out with the standard, trading is risk and you can lose money. Hopefully you all know this but we are glad the author put that in there.

Next there is an introduction telling you a little about the author. We found his story highly relatable. He even writes about some his greatest failures which is nice to see. A person who really trades does take losses, it always upsets us when they act like that never happens. A sure sign of a scam.

The short chapters on a trading plan and virtual trading are highly valuable. Again, they are not very long but we think they made the point.

There are a few chapters on placing a trade and types of securities which a novice would probably find valuable.

There is a section on technical analysis which is apparently how the author chooses their trades. It was somewhat of an introduction to technical analysis. It has the basics but you would probably have to look outside of Trade4Profits – Shortcuts to Profitable trading to really get a good feel for technical analysis. Admittedly the Trade4Profits website does provide additional information on this subject.

Then the author gets into the guts of why he trades the way he does and how it can multiple his returns.

He goes into detail on buy and hold, Calls, Puts, Covered Calls, Diagonals and Iron Condors.  There is even a section on how to defend Iron Condors when they go bad.

Because we have already reviewed the Trade4Profits website we know he really like to trade range bound strategies such as Iron Condors and Butterflys. We also know he prefers Diagonals to Covered Calls.

Having some background information on the author gives us a better insight as to what he is writing about in his book.

The final section on Market Lessons should probably be printed out and put on your wall if you want to be a trader.

Overall, we found the book insightful and it introduces a way of higher returns with managed risk. It will still take some time and virtual trading to understand the strategies the author introduces but this is a good book to get you started in that direction.

When taken as a whole with the author’s website and other books you can really start to put together a trading plan. This holistic approach is refreshing and a welcome change, especially for the price.

The book is well priced for the information you get out of it. The website is free so, when compared to many of the guru’s out there charging thousands to learn how to trade this is a REAL bargain.

But…you will have to do some of the work yourself. The author is not going to hold your hand in your trades, you have to acquire the information and make your own decisions. He does offer a number of actual trade examples both in the book and many more on his website to help you.

Learn to trade options for income.

Buy the book or check out the website:

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